There is no way to know how a customer will use their lighting. The usage lifespan of an LED is a minimum of 40,000 hours to a maximum of 50,000 hours.
The following scenarios and math are the basis for establishing the Warranty period:
“NORMAL” USAGE – 5 Hours Per Day
If you use your lights (on average) for 5 hours per day, after 15 years you will have the following total hours of usage
5 hours per day x 365 days per year x 15 years =36,500 hours (which is still under the minimum usage rated lifespan)
However, some customers may “abuse” the LED lighting product and leave the lights on continuously (worst case scenario).
If you use your lights for 24 hours per day, after only 3 years you will have the following total hours of usage
24 hours per day x 365 days per year x 5 years = 43,800 hours (which exceeds the minimum rated lifespan)
Therefore, the warranty period is based on and established using the worst case scenario.