Carol Smith (Carol Smith)
Due to these uncertainties this soft estimate admittedly may have a margin of error. Usually this margin or error is small and you may still approve the estimate. Approving this electronic estimate is the only way we can get you on our schedule.
If for any reason this estimate is different than what we find when we arrive for the installation, you will be notified of the difference before work begins and the final invoice will be adjusted accordingly.
Please remember that 50% of the payment is due upon approval of this estimate and before work commences. The remaining balance will be due upon completion of the work. Please be prepared and have the payment ready.
There will be a 1.5% interest charge per month on invoices that remain unpaid 7 days after completion of work. Credit card payments will incur a 3% convenience fee.
Controller extension cord or wall plugs/splitters (if needed) are not included.
Surge suppressors are not included but recommended.
Depending on the complexity of the installation, some homes may have longer than expected jumps and require a power transmitter and/or receiver. There is no way to determine this until the installation has begun. You will be notified during the installation if this is the case and if there are any other options. Transmitters and Receivers cost $50 each.
JellyStream Track, Lighting and Components (Cost and Installation at $24 per liner foot)
Front of House (includes dormer): 70ft
Left: 56ft
Right: 56ft
Back (includes dormer)?: 70?ft (Need photos to confirm)
At our standard installation fee of $24 per linear foot, this would amount to $6048
NOTE: This is a SOFT ESTIMATE and is based on our estimate from the Google street view. If for any reason the estimate is different than what we find when we arrive for the installation, you will be notified and either refunded (or charged) the difference.
First in Neighborhood Discount (valid for 30 days)
Thank you!
Jellystream Lighting appreciates your business. Your house will look fantastic all year long with a Jellystream Lighting installation!
Please remember to accept the Estimate so that we can get you on the installation schedule.
If you have any questions regarding this estimate or the installation process, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at 757-653-5100.
We look forward to starting your project!
Estimate Submitted: Form #199.
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Status changed: Request to Pending.
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Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
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